Timeline of Irish History
During the Life of Sydney Owenson, Lady Morgan

1775            Henry Gratten becomes leader of "Patriot Party"
1782            The Irish Parliament won legislative freedom for British Parliament
1791            Beginning of events leading up to the Revolution of 1798
                   The Society of the United Irishmen established
1793            The Irish Parliament granted new powers
                   Relief Act of 1793
1795            1795 Formation of the Loyal Orange Institution (Orange Order)
1798            The Rebellion of 1798 lead by Wolfe Tone
                   Arrest of many members of the Leinster United Irishmen
                   Arrest and death of Lord Edward Fitzgerald. Rebellion in Midlands.
                   Rebellion in Wexford. Defeat of the United Irishmen at the Battle of Vinegar Hill.
                   Death of Wolfe Tone.
1800           The Act of Union passed; to take effect from 1 January 1801.
1803           Rising in Dublin led by Robert Emmet, who was arrested, tried, and executed.
1813           "Battle of Garvagh" between Catholic 'Ribbonmen' and Orangemen.
1814           Apprentice Boys of Derry formed.
1823           Daniel O'Connell's Catholic Association, which campaigned for Catholic emancipation, was
1825           The Unlawful Societies Act was passed which proscribed the Catholic Association and the
                  Orange Order.
1828           O'Connell elected for Clarc.
1829           Catholic Emancipation Act passed at Westminster.
                  Fierce riots in Belfast followed the banning of the 12 July parades. Rioting spread to
                  County Armagh and County Tyrone and resulted in at least 20 deaths.
1832 - 1844 Party Procession Acts enforced to control public demonstrations.
1837           Victoria acceded to the throne.
1842           "The Nation" newspaper was founded by Thomas Davis and others.
1843           Daniel O'Connell organised a number of 'Monster Meetings' in a campaign to have the Act of
                  Union repealed.
1845 - 1849 The Great Famine in Ireland. The first cases of blight in the potato crop occurred in
                  Ireland leading to famine.
1846           Repeal of Corn Laws.
                  Sale of imported Indian corn began.
                  Public works began to try to relieve poverty, but were stopped in anticipation of the
                  new harvest.
                  Total failure of potato crop.
                  Public works programme restarted.
                  First deaths from starvation.
1848           Government soup kitchens were set up to distribute free rations to the most needy.
                  Fever began spreading throughout Ireland.
                  The potato harvest was very poor.
                  Soup kitchens were closed.
                  Responsibility for relief of hunger and destitution was placed on local rates.
                  The Irish were left to the operation of natural forces and mercy of the free market.
                  Failed Nationalist Uprising at Ballingarry, County Tipperary. Smith O'Brien, the Young
                  Ireland leader, was arrested. James Stephens fled to France.
1848 - 1849 Worst years of the famine.
                  Because of emigration and deaths from famine, Ireland's population decreased by more than
                  2 million people.
1849           "Battle of Dolly's Brae" when approximately 80 Catholics were killed in clashes
                   between 'Ribbonmen' and Orangemen.
1850 - 1872 Party Procession Acts again enforced.
1856           James Stephens returned to Ireland.
1857           Ten days of serious rioting in Belfast following clashes surrounding the Orange Order
                   parades on 12 July.
1858           James Stephens formed organisation that was to become the Irish Republican
                  Brotherhood (IRB).

              Information compiled from     http://cain.ulst.ac.uk/othelem/chron/ch67.htm

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